Few Books About Nilambur Teakwood
Quality Timber Products Of Teak From Sustainable Forest Management
The book is the proceedings of the international conference on Quality Timber Products of Teak from Sustainable Forest Management held at Peechi during 2-5 December 2003. It contains 95 papers on various aspects of teak classified under the themes, Statusofteak in producer countries; Sustainable forest management with special reference to teak; quality timber products of Teak from Sustainable Forest Management; Genetic aspects of teak wood production; Clonal propagation and genetic improvement; Health of cultivated teak; Growth, wood production and productivity; Economics of teak plantations and policy issues; teak timber trade and wood industry; and institution, investments and net working.
More About the BookTeak Farming (Tectona Grandis)
Teak is native tree of Indian subcontinent. In the past one hundred and in years it has spread to several tropical countries situated on both sides of the equator. It is extremely popular throughout the world for almost all kinds of timber uses. Mature tree produces quality timber between sixty to eighty years of age due to its moderately slow growing nature. In recent years a number of private enterprises have come up for teak growing in many tropical countries including India. Guiding forces behind this have perhaps been initial fast growth and successful agroforesry practices resulting in early returns. Mushrooming private companies are offering shares to public and promising very high returns in twenty to thirty years
More About the BookA Forest History of India
This collection of articles by noted environmental historian Richard P. Tucker is an attempt to trace Indian forest history from the colonial era to its post-Independence legacy. It is a study of the evolution of forest policy at the national level, in counterpoint with management at the provincial and local levels, primarily in the Himalayan districts. Written mostly in the 1980s and 1990s, these articles were among the first environmental history studies in India and contribute significantly to the understanding of the colonial legacy for post-Independence management of India's natural resources.
More About the BookThe Social Life Of Teak
Tracing human interactions with the world’s most famous tropical timber species, The Social Life of Teak maps worlds revolving around teak forests, trees and wood. What gives Tectona grandis such a powerful aura, stoking desires and capturing imaginations? How has teak shaped people’s lives, driving fortunes and impacting futures? What has happened to the teak forests and what is their destiny? In this illustrated anthology of oral histories, people connected personally or professionally to teak speak of survival, change and learning, creativity and destruction, growth and demise.
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